Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saving Seeds Packets

Two plants that have bolted extremely well this year has been my parsley plants and my basil. My parsley plants are about 3 years old, and has never bolted this huge and this much. My basil plants are about 2 years old, and I let them bolt very heavily this year, despite growing basil that lacks flavor. - If you are a beginner gardener, you may not know this, but basil loses flavor and leaves grow much more slowly when left to flower/bolt. Same goes for parsley, and pretty much all other plants.

So, you might be wondering, how did I decide to start saving seeds? I figured eventually, anybody that falls in love with gardening, will probably move on to saving seeds. It took me two and a half years for my confidence as a gardener to "grow." Now I feel like I am capable of growing anything, weather and climate permitting of course.

I got the idea from none other than the hugely popular, idea-sharing site, Pinterest. I saw a very cute graphic of a seed pack template in my photo feed. This immediately sparked my interest. I clicked the link and ventured over to a very cute site, run by another gardener and blogger, Rosemary Beck. She has created these templates herself and has shared different ones on her blog.

Seed Packets

All you have to do is print the image/pdf and viola! You have your very own seed packets that you can glue together yourself. The best thing of all, you can make them as you need them!

Saving seeds


Unknown said...

Thank you so much :-) I try to update on interesting things, I just hope others find it interesting too.

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